Student: Zain Abhari
Mentor: Agostino Marinelli
Project Title: Attosecond X-ray science with free-electron lasers
Project Description: X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) provide a unique tool for studying ultrafast electron dynamics. Due to the chaotic nature of the temporal/spectral structure of XFEL pulses, precision measurements can be challenging. As a way to curb some of the challenges, a new method of performing attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy (ATAS) was proposed. This new experiment realizes ATAS using spectral domain ghost imaging. This technique reconstructs the response of a sample by correlating shot-to-shot changes in the incoming spectrum with shot-to-shot changes in the total (energy integrated) yield of absorbed light. This idea would essentially split the X-ray beams while not actually splitting them, because it is difficult to split X-ray beams. The ghost imaging spectroscopy, otherwise known as spooktroscopy, was originally demonstrated using gaseous samples. However, it is of great interest to study attosecond electron dynamics in solid state samples. This study simulates a slightly different experimental set up than the originally proposed implementation to extend the technique to solid samples.